I don’t know about you, but getting my kids to open up can sometimes be difficult. Simple prompts like, “Tell me about your day” or “What did you do at school today?” are often met with one-word responses. “Nothing,” “It was boring,” and “I don’t remember” are all frequent replies.
Then one day I was finishing up a Simple Show podcast just as Wild Man got in the car after school. At the end of each podcast, Tsh asks her guest a series of 10 short questions. Wild Man LOVED this idea and asked if we could “do questions” too.
So we each answered the questions Tsh asked her guest and all of a sudden I was getting all sorts of interesting information from my child. Wild Man even asked, “Can we continue on with our questions?” once we got home. Never one to skip an opportunity to connect, I said “Of course!” and quickly searched the internet for more questions. We happily spent the rest of the evening asking each other questions.
Since then, at least once a week Wild Man or Bunny will ask if we can “continue on with our questions”. They especially like to do this over dinner or in the car.
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